
Multiagent reinforcement learning

My current undergraduate thesis is on Artificial Intelligence applied to Robotics. I’m working on applying Reinforcement Learning algorithms to multiple robots in stochastic environments. So far, the work is being tested with the UC Berkeley Pac-Man simulator, using Python. You can check the project GitHub repository here.

unball Robot soccer team

In 2010, invited by a friend, I enjoyed the UnBall Robot Soccer Team, a university student team with one goal: build robots that can play soccer. Since then, I helped developing the strategy and computer vision modules and, currently, I have the mission of being the General Coordinator. In 2012, we placed 4th position in the Brazilian Robotics Competition. I assumed as General Coordinator in 2014, with the responsibility to reorganize the team and lead the hardware and software projects. Here is the GitHub repository with our pretty nice code, written in C++, using ROS, OpenCV and Libfreenect… so far.

network security

In 2014, I had the opportunity to work with network security at IPe – Engenharia de Redes. During this period, I could work with some cutting edge technology, such as Web Application Firewalls and Advanced Persistent Threats. I could also develop a project to provide Machine Learning capabilities to automatically detect intrusion and hacker attacks(with cutting edge academic knowledge), using Python and Numpy, as well as Python scripts to communicate with third-party appliances. I have also improved a lot business skills, such as competition analysis, benchmarking, development of vulnerability assessment methodologies and selling and buying products.

gaze enhanced voice recognition

During my internship at the CSIRO, is Australia, I could develop a great project: using gaze trackers to enhance voice recognition systems. Supervised by David Rozado, a great friend, we created a GUI using Python (with PyQt) and Microsoft Speech Recognition and designed user tests to prototype an idea of how to integrate these systems and make handsfree voice recognition possible. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, check out the video below to have an idea of our system. You can also read our paper, published at OZCHI 2014.

didactic assembler

As a student in Systems Software course, we had the task of writing our own assembler, which would translate a source file written in didactic assembly language to binary output, the last should run in our own simulator. Here is the GitHub repository containing the whole code, written in pure C language.


simpletable is a lightweight Python module for generating simple HTML tables without requiring the installation of any third-party libraries. Checkout the code in this GitHub repository.

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